Choose to Love Yourself

your self-relationship in the Here and Now

Choose to Love Yourself is an invitation to stay in the Here and Now and connect to ourselves and to the present, the only time we have and the only person we need to connect with to grasp the essence of life.
Through theoretical applications and hands-on therapeutic experience, Alberto Bottaro developed specific tools to transmit the meaning and importance of finding our place in the world, in the fullness of our own wellbeing.
Through these pages, the author encourages us to discover and pursue what is good for us by reflecting on interpersonal dynamics and inner issues that often arise unconsciously, creating torment and misunderstandings.
This book gives us the basic notions on how to become our own best ally.


Alberto Bottaro was born in Battaglia Terme, a small town in northern Italy. In 1971, he graduated in Clinical and Community Psychology at the University of Padua, specialized as Psychotherapist in Gestalt Psychotherapy, and now works in Marghera – Venice, Italy.
After his multifaceted studies in psychology, he became an EMDR Psychotherapist and a certified BRAINSPOTTING PRACTITIONER.
He is also a trainer and personnel selector, a Hoffman Quadrinity Process teacher, a Certified Practitioner of the Single-Session Therapy (SST) and Mindfulness Professor.
He created the VIC – Vivere il Cambiamento (Living the Change) method, a residential workshop preparatory to the achievement of personal change.

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